



About Me

Get to know me

Just a regular girl from the Southside of Chicago trying to have an impact on the world and leave a legacy behind that my daughter can be proud of. As a young girl I always knew I wanted to grow up and help women and children. Never having an idea of why or how but that dream always sticking near and dear to my heart. Maneuvering through life’s hardships while going after all of my dreams I’m finally able to check this special one off of my list. Being able to write a book to help this population of women I’ve grown to love so much is a dream come true. This is only the beginning of my journey to help and heal the Single Moms that can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a strong desire to change the narrative about Us! Circumstances have occurred that now make us Single Moms, but we are still very capable of being the best versions of ourselves we’ve always dreamt of being. I’ve worked hard my entire life, going after both my bachelors and masters degrees and graduating top of my class. Accepting all of the positions in my career field that people told me I wouldn’t be offered or even qualify for. Having the opportunity to become a homeowner as a Single Mom and provide my daughter with a loving and happy environment she could be proud of and thrive in. I thought my life was over as I started my journey as a Single Mom, little did I know life was just beginning.